Finally here!
Mauimari essential oil all made on Maui with blend of maui flowers
Made on Maui
thank you for the collaboration @lokelani essentials,Fernanda ❤️
Anuenue Day skin care
Anuenue in Hawaiian means Rainbow.This blend will transmit to you some of our Aloha spirit and the beautiful fragrance of some unique flowers to your daily self care routine.Lokelani Rose supports the cell and tissue regeneration while elevating your vibrational frequency.Plumeria Essential oil has a substance called Lignin supporting healthy collagen production.Bergamot and Orange essential oils will boost the skin complexion with vitaminC rich mix improving the appearance of blemishes and scars.Frankincense essential oil will help closing your pores and tone your skin minimizing your wrinkles and fine lines.
Ingredients,,,all Organic Lokelani Rose Essential oil,Plumeria essential oil,Orange Blossom Essential oil,Frankincense Essential oil, and Fractionated Coconuts oil and ALOHA🌈
Mahealani Night skin care
mahealani is a Hawaiian word for the night of the full moon. This special night skin care will revitalize your skin while you sleeper enjoy a beautiful full moon and stargaze.The lokelani Rose Essential supports cell and tissue regeneration. Musk Essential oil helps calm the mind besides helping with infections cause by bacteria.Neroli Essential oil has a long history as remedy for anxiety and it also balances the moisture levels in the skin helping to redefine line. Saffron essential oil improves circulation making you look glowing while being a great moisturizer.Camelina oil and Vitamin E oil act like an amazing skin moisturizer and excellent emollient, improving skintonewhile preventing free radical damage.
Ingredients,,,All Organic LokelaniRose essential oil,Musk essential oil,Neroli essential oil,Saffran essential oil,Camelina oil,Vitamin E oil and ALOHA
To Use,,,,,after washingfacd,useour skin Care oil.Massage3 to 4 drops onto the entire face and neck.For the best results, continue use for at least5 weeks. Avoid leaving product in direct sunlight or heat.
Cruelty Free,Vegan/Parapen Free,Sulfate Free,GultenFree,PhthalateFree,SyntheticFragranceFree,MineralOilFree,FormaldehydeFree,PegFree
彼女もマウイマリ が大好きでいてくれて、意気投合で、マウイのスキンケア、マウイの香りを日本に届けたい、という思いで、作りました。彼女が何個もブレンドを作ってくれて、じっくりと時間をかけて選び抜いて出来上がった、デイオイルと、ナイトオイル。保湿、エイジングケアーのスキンケアとして、、そしてこのマウイの花たちの匂いで、心がふわっと暖かくなるようにという気持ちを込めて、フェルナンダと、マウイマリ が、心を込めて作りました。ぜひお試しください。
ナイト用は ローズと少しムスクの香りが混じり、気持ちが落ちついて、リラックスして、良い眠りにつけるように、、、